Beginning March 15th we will be closed on Saturdays. As always, if there is a special circumstance, and you need to prep on a weekend, please reach out and we will try our best to accommodate you.

Contact Us

image of vintage telephones

We are located in The Brooklyn Navy Yard.
63 Flushing Avenue
BLDG 212, Suite 408, 409 + 410
Brooklyn, NY 11205

Prop Inquiries

Studio Inquiries

Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:30pm


ENTRANCE PASS REQUIRED. PLEASE EMAIL OR CALL US FOR A PASS. To enter The Brooklyn Navy Yard, all guests will need to be issued a QR Code. Please email us your first and last name, email address and whether you are coming by car or on foot. Messengers, Ubers and food delivery people do not need passes to enter the yard.


There are three (3) entrances into The Brooklyn Navy Yard (Clinton St., Cumberland St., and Sands St.). Take the Sands Street entrance - It is the closest to us.

You can park your car in any of the areas on the map that are marked PARKING.

There is NO PARKING in the Wegman’s parking lot or in the Duggal parking lot (which is across the street from our building).

You can load and unload in our loading dock. Our dock is the one with 2 bays. Not the ones that have the Wegman’s trucks in them.

For UBERS pick ups or drop offs, type in: Building 212, 63 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

GOOGLE MAP Type in the following address below in Google Maps. This will take you straight to our front door.

63 Flushing Avenue, BLDG 212


F TRAIN to YORK STREET stop. When you exit the subway, diagonally across from the station (in front of WHOLESOME FARMS MARKET on the YORK side of the street), is the NAVY YARD SHUTTLE BUS, this will take you to the BKNY entrance. Get off on the first stop when the bus goes past the security gate near Wegman’s.

From there walk straight past the stop sign (Duggal is on the left and King’s County Distillery is on the right). The next building after the Distillery is our building 212. Walk up the ramp to the main entrance. We are on the 4th Floor, Suite 410.

A/C TRAIN to the HIGH STREET stop. When you exit the subway, head to 74 SANDS STREET. This will take you to the NAVY YARD SHUTTLE BUS that will take you to the BKNY entrance. Get off on the first stop when the bus goes past the security gate near Wegman’s.

From there walk straight past the stop sign (Duggal is on the left and King’s County Distillery is on the right). The next building after the Distillery is our building 212. Walk up the ramp to the main entrance. We are on the 4th Floor, Suite 410.

WALKING Same directions as subway. if you would rather walk, when you exit the subway, google map 299 SANDS STREET. This will take you to The Brooklyn Navy Yard entrance. Go through security (be sure to scan the QR code that was emailed to you). From there walk straight past the stop sign (Duggal is on the left and King’s County Distillery is on the right). The next building after the Distillery is our building 212. Walk up the ramp to the main entrance. We are on the 4th Floor, Suite 410.

DRIVING Type in the following address into Google Maps and it will take you straight to our front door. 63 Flushing Avenue, BLDG 212.

Be sure to enter via the SANDS STREET entrance if possible. Go through security and scan the QR code that was emailed to you. From there drive straight past the stop sign (Duggal is on the left and King’s County Distillery is on the right). The next building after the Distillery is our building 212. Find parking wherever you can. (See map above for free parking locations in the Yard).

LOADING DOCK Our loading dock is located to the left of our entrance. We have 2 bays. Please do not confuse this with the Wegman’s loading dock. Their dock has their trailers in there. Trucks can park and then load and unload. If you are driving your own personal vehicle for loading and unloading, please put your hazard lights on and limit your time to 20 minutes.

FERRY The Brooklyn Navy Yard is on the ASTORIA ROUTE. Click Here for information and schedule

Visit Us

PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE MOVED TO: The Brooklyn Navy Yard Monday – Friday 9am – 5:30pm Saturday 10am – 4:30pm Contact us for a pass

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